Today is my Birthday..!!!!
Everyone's special day is truly our birthday and i am happy today 'cuz its my birthday!!yEePeeY. I slept at 12 o'clock in the midnight which is already june 05. It's now my 16 birthday and i hope i will enjoy this age.
The first person who greeted me is my oldest sister and i am bit sad 'cuz my mom did not greet me when she was left the well as my dad..but it's ok for 'cuz i know how busy they are in preparing for "araw ng barangay" here in our place.
What are the things i've expected on this age.?
- Laagan more
- I think i should be more secured on my personal hygiene.
- More sensitive and of course
- i will haunt for my love..hehe.
Welcome Sweet 16
Another Dimension....
The time really passed very fast and we don't even know that we need to leave something to face another world,just like my situation now. It's like yesterday i was a high skul gal then tommorow will be a college gal. What a world..?
Last week i took my enrollment in UM ( which i chose to be my college school )and i thought enrollment there is just easy but then i was wrong. The truth is, It's quite hard to enroll in college. You know, high school enrollment can be done in 30 mins. or in one day but in took 3 days or 1 week ( not at all.)I think i should better adjust my self, since the starts of our class is on june 13, first before the beginning of the class will start.
Their are a lot of quaries in my mind: What would be my life as a college student? Am i ready now? Could i understand all the lessons.....?...huhuh...Entering another Dimension is truly not easy but then we need
courage and
strenght to make us more powerful in facing the college life..
Li'l Make-oVer
whew..i know you probably notice a big change on my blog. I had a li'l make-over of it but you know what, it took me a lot of time just to make this layout. I tried to make my own layout but i think it is mess..huhu..I read
web developers note to give me some informatinon on lay-outing. It gives me courage to try. So i get some idea there and starting making my own..I've got the background on the other site which allow others to copy it and the rest is my work. I was suck in making this lay-out. Judge it if you want or speak up for your suggestions and comments..
Labels: layouting..
Lay-outing? I Dont know Anything.
It soo frustrating not to have knowledge on layouting or editing your blog. It doesnt make your blog colorful and cooler than before. The theme of my blog is a mere classic themes given by the blogger site.
I want to have new layout in this blog with the theme i want. I want to make this blog more colorful, but how? I don't have enough knowledge to manipulate and edit my layout. If i will do so i might put my blog in a risk. I'm envy of what others could do in thier layout ;(... I am thankful to Clarice coz she gave me some tips on editing and layouting ( thnx's Clarice..). Though i have that tips, i couldn't still do it..huhu..
I am hoping that someday thier would someone help me how to edit my blog..
A wAlk to Remember..!
How many times did you watch the romantic movie "A Walk to Remember".? Last night i watch it in the barkada nights and it was my 2nd time to watch the movie.
This movie really stab me up to the innermost part of my heart and make me more in love..hehe..i guess you feel it too, but what are the scenarios showing great momentum of love in the movie..?! I think all scenarios must be proud of making it but at this time i would like to pick my
Top 5 Favorite Romantic Scene ( actually it's not just 5 'cause it's too long for me to write all of them..)nO. 5
Kiss Me..!WhewW..this scene really make my heart beat faster after Brandon (Shayne West ) suddenly kiss Jamie ( Mandy Moore ).. i think it's the effect of jamie's extreme make over..hehe
nO. 4
My bAby is an AngelIt's brandon guarding jamie all night if i was the gurl i'd really impress..
nO. 3
Dance with me (1)Sweet dance with their hearts in one..( it's ok brandon if you don't know how to dance, just sway your feelings..
nO 2
Dance with Me (2)After a reahersal of Brandon's surprise dance ( which was taught by his mother ) to jamie, he completely dance his heart with the gurl she truly love..
nO. 1
Sweetness unDer the MoonlightJamie and Brandon's ultimate love for each other.
how's it? Hope you like mine but free to choose your own too..,
nOte..!!!Watching "A Walk to Remember" is not easy. You must have to endure your self against jealousy..hehe.. its also my risk 'cause when i watch it i cried a lot. I can't take not to jealous with them..huhu
Labels: love, movie, romantic